Invocation Spell
This invocation spell can be used as a regular part of magical ritual, for a specific magical
purpose, or simply in times of crisis for spiritual support. It can be used to call on your
guardian angels or spirit guides, the God and/or Godess, or individual aspects
or the God and Godess that you have established a connection with.
It's important to remember that you are not compelling the spirit, but asking it to
appear. If you sense that the spirit has not appeared after using this invocation, it
could be that now is not the ideal time for you to be doing this paticular work, or that
your motives for invoking the spirit are not entirely benevolent and sincere.
Avoid invoking any spiritual entity "just for fun", since taking advantage of your
connection with it can ultimately dilut the strength of the connection
Close your eyes, clear your mind and say
"Trough the power of all that is good in the Universe, I ask [name of spirit] to join me
in my magical work. [Name of spirit], benevolent and divine, meet me in this place
and time."
Be sure to thank the spirit when you are ready for it to go - though it may well
leave of its own accord. Even if this happens, be sure to epress gratitude for the
spirit's visit.