Full Moon Psychic Bath

Spending some time with the Full Moon in a ritual bath clears out the “noise” of a
busy day and allows for reconnection with your magical self. This is particularly
helpful to do before working any other Full Moon magic, as it will help you attune to
the psychic energies of this special time.

WARNING: Mugwart effects fertility and so should be avoided by pregnant women and those hoping to be come pregnant!



Mix salt and herbs together in a bowlthen add the mixture slowly to running

Sprinkle 3 to 5 drops of the oil over the length of the tub. Light the candle and turn off
all electric lighting, if possible, before immersing yourself in the water.

Relax & allow your mind to wander, slowly opening into new psychic space. Stay in the
tub for at least 20 minutes, ideally until the water has started to get cold
